Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.
It is being used in planetarium projectors. Just set your coordinates and go.
Features in version 0.9.1
* default catalogue of over 600,000 stars
* extra catalogues with more than 210 million stars
* asterisms and illustrations of the constellations
* constellations for ten different cultures
* images of nebulae (full Messier catalogue)
* realistic Milky Way
* very realistic atmosphere, sunrise and sunset
* the planets and their satellites
* a powerful zoom
* time control
* multilingual interface
* scripting to record and play your own shows
* fisheye projection for planetarium domes
* spheric mirror projection for your own dome
* graphical interface and extensive keyboard control
* telescope control
* equatorial and azimuthal grids
* star twinkling
* shooting stars
* eclipse simulation
* skinnable landscapes, now with spheric panorama projection
* add your own deep sky objects, landscapes, constellation images, scripts...
Download link:
Stellarium 0.9.1
1 comment:
sudah ada yang mencoba stellarium. Software ini termasuk banyak penggunanya karena bersifat gratis dan penampilannya cukup bagus. Sayang, beberapa script nya agak kacau. Hal ini terbukti dari adanya magnitudo objek yang +99. Mana mungkin ada!. Magnitudo maksimum yang bisa diamati sampai saat ini sekitar +29.
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